10 Babies of A.M.


It’s a nice, sunny afternoon. Mom and I enjoy ourselves sitting by the door and chatted while we admire these plants. They are just so beautiful that we can’t take our eyes off them. Heartache came in the evening when dad and I was washing the porch. Dad accidentally pushed my baby chili onto the floor and it turned upside down with all the soil covering it. I hurried to the rescue and repotted it. It looks a bit wither now. Sobb~ Sobb~ Baby, please be strong !!

I am also not so sure if that’s frangipani. Is it frangipani?

Taking care of these 10 babies is a new hobby of ours. (Abner & Melle = A.M.) We enjoy the progress and look forward to watching them grow everyday. 🙂

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2011

Happy Chinese New Year 2011

Hop~ hop~ Here’s the t-shirt rabbit that I mentioned before from my previous post – Soft Toy Postcard. Instead of making it a key chain, I ignored the strap and added a magnet into it.

Tada~ now I have a new magnet for my fridge. Yay. 新年新年万万岁. 快乐快乐 everyday !! (A chorus from Astro – CNY song – 2009. There are many more nice CNY songs from MY Astro. Here’s some my favourites. 惜福 大日子. 天天好天. 福气. Am proud of them !!) 😉

Wishing you all a very Happy Chinese New Year !! Gong Xi Fa Cai from me to you !!