Week 34…

… As always, Wednesday is my favorite day. And now, it seems like I’m loving everyday. I got extremely hyped up for the up coming activities and can’t wait for the next day to come. I laughed myself to sleep last night, thinking how fun the rehearsal was, and how I reacted when i know that we have to do some dancing pose. What a surprise from Shammee. Took a deep breathe, shrug it off, join the fun and let me be silly. Du…dudu…dudu…dudududu… Duuu… Don’t worry, be happy. 😀 that’s the song keep repeating in my head.

Am extremely grateful to a very supportive family members who never give up on me. The bond and love from miss little Meagan perks me up whenever I am down from work. Hugs from yiyi. I’ll try my best to be a very good girl and will try not be forgetful, at least… :p

Life is indeed more colorful to have this bunch of sincere and wonderful friends who share thoughts and respects. I’m also very thankful to all the trust, support, patience, understandings and most of all, the appreciation from clients to me. It’s my pleasure and I’m happy working with them.

How can I not to admit that I’m the lucky one of having Abner to ride the roller coaster and grow together as one? Thanks dear for your patience.

Right now, I’m getting in touch with handcrafts back again and this will go for charity. I always wanted to do it. Thank you Denza for giving me this opportunity and to those who will be helping me. Thank you for making my wish come true. 🙂

I’ve gotta stop here and tomorrow is gonna be another eventful day though. Good night and have a wonderful weekend ~ Namaste, Melle.

God heard me…

smiley sun lotus flower

… First, He sent me someone when I needed someone to talk to. Someone whom I have not seen for years. Whom inspires me. Whom I respect. Mr. Dennis.

Second, He sent me a ‘sunflower’. A beautiful talking sunflower. Whom always help wash my tears away. Whom gives strong support, courage and bloom strongly in the heart.

Third, He gave me a wonderful image when I was sitting back to take a rest with my eyes closed. It’s a combination of a sunflower, lotus with a smiley face in meditation position.

And last but not least, He put a smile on my face. 🙂 Above is the image that I would like to share with you. I hope it put a smile on your face too !!

Wishing y’all a very nice Tuesday evening !! ~ Melle