Have a lolli-lollipop Birthday!

I would like to say thank you to an ol’friend of mine, Joanna for her trust in me and giving me such a great time to create a scrapbook as a birthday gift to her hubby, Brian.

It was fun looking for materials, getting the ideas and best of all, I can do some sewing as you can see on its cover. 😀

This book contains sweet memories of the couple and the new journey of life with their new born princess, Ashley. To personalized this impeccable-handmade-gift (ahem), I got Joanna to hand written the poems and messages to Brian on the prepared space. Mmm… mmm… sweet-kan? To enhance the taste of sweetness, there it goes a lollipop made of felt fabric.

A very belated lollipop xxth birthday to Brian !! 😀


Here’s a song for you. HAHA. Enjoy.