Fun with UNO H20

Wahey, I’ve finally found you !! I have been searching for you around town since Lili brought you to Kemaman on New Year’s eve. But failed. I then decided to try my luck and see if I will be able to get you from online shops. I googled for a couple of minutes and Kids.Net.My caught my sight. Without hesitation, I clicked to enter the site, I enlarged your photo and added you to the cart right after I confirmed that it’s so you. Then I make payment right away via internet fund transfer. It’s so hassle free. 😀 I likey !!

Unexpectedly, I receive the goods the very next day at my front door. Guys, you got me so hype up. Thank you Kids.Net.My for your prompt action and efficiency !! A compliment from me to Kids.Net.My for the super good service and help. Clap. Clap. Clap. Keep it up !!


The durability is what I like most about UNO H20. I can bring this clear, plastic, water and dirt proof cards anywhere I want especially outdoor activities. It will not become wrinkly. Yay !! Super-duper-yay !! There’s also a new rule of “Downpour” which is a lot of fun to play around, and of course… it’s rugged too. Don’t you agree? 😉