Good Day…

“How was it?”, Abner asked.
“Great!”, that’s my answer to the question with a contented smile.

I never knew how great doing yoga in the morning could truely be. It helps clear my mind and relax my soul after a long and hectic week. The more I practice yoga, the more I got enlightened. Yoga is not only toning your body or giving you strength. Yoga is a philosophy that begins with the spirit. Getting in touch with your spirit is the true goal of yoga. It occurs naturally when your mind quiets and you are able to access the inner wisdom that emerges from the deepest aspect of your being. There are more to learn and experience – everyday. 🙂

Now, please do allow me to share with you how to start a good day with this simple breathing exercise – Ujjayi breathing.

  • Lie on your back or in a seated cross-leg position with your eyes close and place your hands on your stomach.
  • Breathe through your nose and relax all muscles.
  • Inhale slowly, expending your ribcage in 4 counts.
  • Exhale gently, relax tension in 7 counts.
  • Continue breathing at your own pace.

Start each day with this breathing exercise for 1 to 2 minutes. It helps your body and brain to refill each cell with fresh oxygen. Enjoy and have a good day !! Namaste ~ Melle