Corn on the cob

potato salad with sweet corn

When I got my very 1st bite on it RAW in the middle of the forest of Mount Irau, I immediately fall for it. Never in my life did I know it tastes absolutely juicy and sweet. I swear by the trees, and the moss and the mud in the forest. I then bought the sweet corns from one of the stalls at RM10 for 7 cobs. I do not know what should I do with it from the start in order to finish it within a week, till I had lunch with Abner this afternoon. We came across an Indian grocery shop with loads of pretty nice potatoes laying on a big wooden tray. I picked about 4 potatoes, 1 onion and a cucumber. Yeah, I’m gonna make potato salad. Plus sweet corn. Mmm… mmm…

So once I got home, I boiled some water in a saucepan and dumped in the washed potatoes. I waited for about 20 minutes to cook, then took them out from the heat and set aside to cool. While waiting, i played with this little-naughty-Meagan. Tik-tok-tik-tok… and I believe it’s ready to peel the skins off the potatoes. Using a fork, I pressed and mashed it in a big bowl. Diced and lightly chop-chop the onion and cucumber. Set aside. And now it’s time for cutting corn kernels. Hold the stem end of the husked ear of corn and rest the tip on the bottom. Use a sharp knife to cut off corn kernels into a bowl. Mix the diced onion, cucumber and corn kernels with the mashed potato. Add a pinch of salt to taste. Empty a small bottle (130g) of Japanese Kewpie Mayonnaise, mix well and refrigerate for few hours. Voila ~ Am keeping it for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Have a good yum-yum sleep y’all !! ~ Melle

Yummy Sunday…

It’s a beautiful Sunday for outdoor but I am at home, working. Here I am taking a short break to update my blog with a back-dated photo of a sweet corn pudding that I’ve made during the CNY.

sweet corn pudding

1 packet of soya fruit pudding powder
2500ml of water
100 gram of sugar
1 can (400ml) of evaporated milk
Sweet corn kernels
Nata de coco

Pour 2500ml of water, sugar and 400ml of evaporated milk into a saucepan. Stir mixture to boil.
Turn off flame and stir for 5 minutes.
Pour in soya fruit pudding powder and stir well.
Pour the mixture into molds or ramekins.
Sprinkle some sweet corns kernels and add nata de coco on each pudding.
Set aside to cool and refrigerate before serve.

Have a yummy Sunday !!